About » Chili con Film



Videos from our production attract attention from your first bite and the flavor will stay on your mind even after consumption. We pay close attention to the preparation phase of each entire shoot and especially focus on a tasteful screenplay. There are 3 essential ingredients to our videos.

  1. Chili con Film is simply Michal and Viktor. We meticulously oversee every detail of our projects and rest assured we will look after yours.
    It might sound cliché, but we tailor our services to your needs
    Why pay a large advertising agency when you can you be our numero uno?
  2. Look no further for actors, Viktor has devoted himself to theater since childhood. Besides, under Viktor’s direction anyone is easily transformed into a polished spokesperson on set.
    Performance and technique are essential components of effective media
    From the other side of the lens, Michal takes care of the aesthetic details. He masterfully refines your video project into a work of art and brings it across the finish line in post-production.
  3. With your new video we will be happy to design your visual style guide, taking care of photos, print/digital graphics, and marketing.
    We have a network of specialists readily available to collaborate as needed
    Along with a high-quality video we provide social media ready thumbnails for every project. We believe that your presentation has to be appealing at first sight.

We adhere to this across our entire portfolio.

If you ask us, videos need to be crisp around the edges and all ideas squeezed while fresh. No pre-made ingredients or rushed burns. We like our projects slow-cooked to perfection and that’s what matters to us.

Chili con Film

Our story

Each of us has carved his own path to video. We’re both coming from slightly different directions which gives us the advantage of two different points of view.

Viktor got to the audiovisual production through acting. From his childhood he played in a number of theater groups. In 2007, however, he began to film not only in front of the camera but also behind it. He tried what it is like to be a screenwriter, sound engineer, lighting engineer, assistant director, but also a director. He has made a number of short films, as well as promotional videos and commercials. He likes writing, making creative stories, playing in front of the camera and directing other actors.

Viktor Hejna 
Creative Director, Co-Owner

Michal has been attracted to video work since childhood when he began to learn the rhythm of editing and composition of shots in his first videos. He connected this hobby with practical experience during his Multimedia studies and started to film events, advertisements, promotional and travel videos. He has been producing 2 podcasts and has rich audio experience. His main strengths are thorough preparation paired with unconventional solutions. He finishes our projects.

Michal Sodek 
Technical Director, Co-Owner

We met when I was making my short film Sorry in 2015. Viktor made such a great impression that he got the lead role without casting, and we’ve been working on videos ever since.



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